Dermal filler treatments

In today’s quest for everlasting youth, dermal fillers have emerged as a revolutionary solution. These non-invasive treatments offer a natural and effective way to combat signs of ageing, restoring volume and rejuvenating the skin. At Dr Injy Ghanem, we understand the desire to look and feel your best, which is why we provide bespoke dermal filler treatments at our locations in Marylebone, Putney, Wandsworth, and Guildford. Let’s delve into the world of dermal fillers, exploring their benefits, procedure, and why Dr Injy Ghanem is your ultimate destination for achieving radiant skin.


Understanding Dermal Fillers:

Dermal fillers are injectable gels made from hyaluronic acid, a substance naturally found in the body. They work by replenishing lost volume, smoothing out wrinkles, and enhancing facial contours. Unlike surgical procedures, dermal fillers offer immediate results with minimal downtime, making them a popular choice for individuals seeking a youthful appearance without undergoing invasive surgery.


Benefits of Dermal Fillers:

  1. Wrinkle Reduction: As we age, our skin loses elasticity and volume, leading to the formation of wrinkles and fine lines. Dermal fillers effectively diminish these signs of ageing, restoring a smoother and more youthful complexion.


  1. Facial Contouring: Dermal fillers can enhance facial features such as cheekbones, lips, and jawline, creating a more defined and sculpted appearance. Whether you desire fuller lips or more prominent cheekbones, dermal fillers can help you achieve your aesthetic goals.


  1. Non-Invasive: Unlike surgical procedures like facelifts, dermal fillers are minimally invasive and require no downtime. Patients can resume their daily activities immediately after treatment, making it a convenient option for busy individuals.


  1. Long-lasting Results: While results may vary depending on the type of filler used and individual factors, most patients enjoy the benefits of dermal fillers for several months to a year. Periodic touch-up treatments can help maintain optimal results over time.


The Procedure: 

We prioritise patient safety and satisfaction throughout the treatment process. Before your dermal filler treatment, our experienced practitioner will conduct a thorough consultation to understand your concerns and aesthetic goals. This personalised approach ensures that each treatment is tailored to your unique needs, delivering natural-looking results.


During the procedure, the chosen filler is injected into targeted areas of the face using a fine needle or cannula. The process is relatively quick and comfortable, with minimal discomfort reported by most patients. Our practitioner may gently massage the treated areas to ensure even distribution of the filler and achieve optimal results.



Following your dermal filler treatment, it’s essential to follow our aftercare recommendations to maximise results and minimise any potential side effects. While downtime is minimal, some patients may experience temporary swelling, bruising, or redness at the injection sites. These effects typically subside within a few days, and you can use ice packs or over-the-counter pain relievers to alleviate any discomfort.


We advise avoiding strenuous exercise, alcohol consumption, and excessive sun exposure for the first 24-48 hours post-treatment. Additionally, it’s essential to refrain from touching or rubbing the treated areas to prevent the filler from shifting.


Why Choose Dr Injy Ghanem: 

  1. Expertise: Dr Injy Ghanem is a highly skilled practitioner with extensive experience in cosmetic dermatology. She is committed to providing safe and effective treatments tailored to each patient’s unique needs.


  1. Personalised Approach: We understand that every individual is different, which is why we take the time to listen to your concerns and goals before recommending a treatment plan. Our personalised approach ensures that you achieve natural-looking results that enhance your features and boost your confidence.


  1. Premium Products: We only use premium-quality dermal fillers from trusted brands. These products undergo rigorous testing to ensure safety and efficacy, giving you peace of mind knowing that you’re receiving the best possible care.


  1. Convenient Locations: With locations in Marylebone, Putney, Wandsworth, and Guildford, we strive to make our services accessible to patients across the Greater London area. Our modern clinics provide a comfortable and welcoming environment where you can relax and unwind while receiving top-notch treatment.


Contact Us: 

Ready to rejuvenate your skin and embrace a more youthful appearance? Contact Dr Injy Ghanem today to schedule a consultation. Our friendly team is here to answer any questions you may have and guide you through the process. Call us on +44 7889 954996 or visit our website to learn more about our services and book your appointment online.