The Vampire Facelift

The Vampire Facelift 2
vampire facials

The Vampire Facelift nothing to do with vampires!

The ‘proper’ name for a vampire facial is Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy.

But what is it and how does it work?

The PRP is extracted from your blood. The blood is rich in platelets that have extremely high levels of growth factors. When applied to your skin, these growth factors help in boosting cell turnover rate. The growth factors boost collagen and elastin production and increase the skin’s hydration levels. They also infuse your skin with antioxidants.

The Vampire Facelift procedure.

This procedure also improves the absorbing power of your skin – which means your skin can absorb other skincare products better.

It’s essentially a regenerative therapy, which uses nothing but the patient’s own blood.

Platelets are tiny blood cells that play a crucial part in helping the body stop bleeding – as well as repairing damaged blood vessels and cells.

You could think of them as little powerhouses, which release proteins for growth when they come in contact with the body’s tissue.

Microneedling & PRP treats:

  • Redness
  • Pigmentation
  • Wrinkles
  • Stimulates Collagen

The cosmetic procedure, which has been nicknamed the ‘vampire facial’, was made famous by Kim Kardashian.

Are vampire facials painful and are they safe?
The procedure is not painless, and you will feel mild to moderate levels of discomfort. It all depends on your pain tolerance levels. So, why take all this pain? Are there any benefits?

This procedure helps to:

  • Improve the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines
  • Improve your skin texture
  • Reduce the size of the skin pores
  • Improve the appearance of acne scars
  • Improve the plumpness of your skin
  • Give you a youthful glow and smooth skin
  • Improve the effectiveness of skincare products

Cost-Benefit Analysis of Vampire Facelift

Using the blood of the patients and injecting a light hyaluronic acid filler and plasma in the skin of the patients, vampire facelift in London has become a sought after treatment among many people. It helps tackle skin ageing issues and being a non-invasive therapy, it takes only an hour o to Complete the treatment with minimal downtime.

When it comes to the cost of the vampire facelift in Surrey, it depends on the area in which you are getting treated. Treating the face and hair or face and neck is more beneficial to your skin and your pocket alike!

For best results would require 2-3 sessions visits to the clinic; therefore, it has to be considered accordingly. Along with that, approaching a facelift expert in Harley Street is important if you want a flexible payment plan as an option for your treatment.

How Does the Vampire Facelift Work and What Are the Side Effects?

There is a multitude of research on the vampire facelift Harley Street. The resources have found that the skin cells regeneration develops much more with the Platelet Rich Plasma than it did with the saline injections instead.

The effectiveness of a vampire facelift London is because of the Platelet Rich plasma, which is pinkish yellow in colour.  Plasma is protein-rich, and it transmits nutrients, protein, and hormones to different parts of the body through circulating in the blood vessels.

Plasma also contains growth factors that can raise collagen production, cell turnover, and stimulate elastin production for firmer, younger-looking skin.


The possible risks or side effects?

Side effects of a vampire facelift surrey are pretty minimal. These side effects are as following:

  • Bruising
  • Swelling
  • Tingling or a minor burning sensation During injections only.

At Dr. InjyG. Aesthetics, we always emphasize on exclusive skin treatments and PRP Treatment in Surrey for cosmetic purposes. Some of the more common problems are acne scars, wrinkles, age spots, and sagging skin. Likewise, some of the commonest skin treatments are laser treatments for laser rejuvenation and laser resurfacing, microdermabrasion, dermal fillers, botox, and chemical peels among others.

Healthy looking skin makes an amazing first impression on others in an interview, a date, or even just meeting new friends. These are the primary reasons that PRP Treatment in London is considered thoroughly beneficial at all stages.

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